Hang Time

Hang Time is a transformative two-hour gathering held at our Bridgeport, New Haven and Waterbury locations. This program provides participants with a safe and respectful space to openly discuss their experiences and challenges with similarly situated individuals and connect to essential services. Hang Time is designed to empower returning citizens to create a pathway to successful reintegration, reduce recidivism and promote public safety. Working in collaboration with the local police departments, other strategic partners, faith based organizations and community stakeholders, Hang Time targets men and women, ages 18 or older, who have been incarcerated in Connecticut’s criminal justice system and are reentering their communities.



2470 Fairfield Ave,
Bridgeport , CT 06605

Every Tuesday:
5:45pm – 8:30pm

New Haven

109 Legion Ave.
New Haven CT 06519

Every other Thursday:
6:00pm – 8:00pm


77 Bishop St.
Waterbury, CT 06704

Every other Thursday:
6:00pm – 8:00pm

“Hangtime has been the difference in me living & dying,…I thought my life would be over because I didn’t know what was going on, I had nobody to teach me, I had nobody to show me & I had tons of questions…then I came to Hang Time on a whim because my mentor Hunter suggested…so I came here & the 1st day I heard all this positivity, it was hard for me to accept from where I came from… so I came back, I found this is exactly what I always wanted in my life!”

— Tim Dobson


The welcoming environment and free-flowing discussions cover a wide range of topics—from politics and race relations to personal growth and professional advice. Expect nourishing meals, engaging conversations, and a chance to be part of a strong community striving for positive change.